Access rights

Every node has three options for access rights

The options are

  • Internal: Accessible by the organizing team of the current site. Only members of the organizing team of your Engine project can access the page (and obviously need to be logged in)
  • Restricted: Accessible by the audience of the current site. Only community members of your Engine project can access the page (and obviously need to be logged in)
  • And Public: Accessible by every visitor. Public: anyone can access this page.

The color code on the left top page indicates the access rights

  • Red: Privilege "Can manage specific Website" or "Can manage any Website
  • Orange: Privilege "Can visit restricted nodes on specific website" or "Can visit restricted nodes on any Website
  • Green: anyone

To create a protected page (only accessible with a link) you can create a node with a code like this

Make sure you set it to not searchable and don't link it with other nodes. This is great for creating drafts. The node will appear in the node overview and is thus visible for the organizing team.