
This page type get's image and bio pictures from Brains - for instance people who participate in projects.

Make sure you ask the person prior to creating a user node and make sure the person has a public profile and picture. Users can change their bio and profile pictures in their bio settings with [this link]( <div class="text-black bg-network p-3 mb-3"> <h4 >Ideal Setting to customize bio pages</h4> <p class="m-0">Copy bio to body from view mode and adapt to taste. Add organizsation, role to lead. This way it appears nicely in the overview page</p> </div> #### This page uses the following logic - If no headline, lead and body are provided the page takes the current information from the person's bio. This includes first name, last name, profile picture and bio. If the user has a bio in multiple languages, the page searches for the one in the current settings of the person visiting the page. #### If you manually add a body The text will appear under the bio from the profile page (on this page only, **not** on the profile page) #### If you manually add a lead This text will replace the bio from the profile settings (on this page only, **not** on the profile page) #### If you manually add a head line This text will replace the first name and lastname from the profile page (on this page only, **not** on the profile page) #### If you manually add an image This image will replace the profile picture from the profile page (on this page only, **not** on the profile page)